How to Reskill for the Workplace of the Future
From digitalhrtech.com It’s no secret that today’s jobs are quickly evolving and that in the near future jobs will be created that never existed before.
From digitalhrtech.com It’s no secret that today’s jobs are quickly evolving and that in the near future jobs will be created that never existed before.
By Lucy Handley – cnbc.com This week, McDonald’s announced that its Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Silvia Lagnado is set to leave the company in October, and
By Jeffrey H. Dyer, Hal Gregersen and Clayton M. Christensen – The HBR.org “How do I find innovative people for my organization? And how can I
Today’s smartphone users check their phones 150 times a day, which is the equivalent of spending 2.5 hours a day just opening and closing the phone. A single text message, which takes approximately 2.2 seconds to read, can double error rates on basic tasks; even worse, workers find that it takes an average of 11 minutes to get back into the flow of the previous task. Our phones have become compulsions, rather than tools of efficiency.
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